The effects of an eating disorder (ED) are far-reaching and can adversely harm all bodily systems if left untreated. Because of the body’s interdependent systems, disordered eating behaviors can have a widespread effect. ED behaviors like restriction, binging, purging, and over-exercising can lead to malnourishment, and stress on the organs and the skeletal system. Eating disorders are one of the deadliest mental illnesses that can result in significant medical complications and even permanent damage. Someone dies as a direct result of an eating disorder every 52 minutes. (1)
Threats To Your Health
Your brain and body do not know you are on a diet, fasting, following keto, or trying to lose weight. As humans, we are wired for survival, and inconsistencies and dramatic changes in food consumption can set off the alarm and register as threats to our survival. The body registers food deprivation as a threat and it works to protect us by conserving energy. Long-term threats can lead to systems slowing, weakening, or shutting down. Starvation can occur in any person in anybody, of any shape and size when not enough calories are consumed.
The Kindful Body team recently met up with Dr. Sarah Lowenthal, a physician that specializes in treating eating disorders, to take a deep dive into the medical issues in eating disorder treatment. Dr. Lowenthal explains:
“The medical complications of eating disorders are numerous and complex. Some are life-threatening; others can impair an individual’s quality of life even after they are fully recovered. Because of this, it is extremely important that people being treated for all types of eating disorders are being seen by a medical provider with specialized knowledge of these disorders and their medical management.”
Eating Disorders Can Cause Serious Medical Problems
Medical issues from eating disorders and disordered eating can include effects on the following:
Heart and cardiovascular
Weakened heart muscle, cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. Changes in blood pressure and pulse. Sudden death.
Muscle loss
Overall loss of muscle mass and strength. When malnourished the body seeks areas to find nutrients and breaks down muscle tissue.
Shrinking of brain density. Seizure. The brain runs on glucose, when deprived of this the body begins finding this nutrient elsewhere. You may also notice difficulties concentrating, and changes in mood and personality.
Loss of bone density and changes in growth projections. Due to inadequate nutrition and mineral loss, brittle bones are prone to fractures or other injury. Exercise while in a malnourished state can exacerbate bone loss.
Low sodium or low potassium interferes with the function of organ systems and can lead to dehydration and water retention, muscle weakness, slowed breathing, and cardiac arrest.
Gastrointestinal (GI)
Gastroparesis or slowing of the digestive system is characterized by diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or temporary food intolerances. GI issues result from inconsistency in eating, restriction, binges, and disruption of digestion from purging (vomiting or laxative use). The use of laxatives can cause the intestines and colon to atrophy and become paralyzed. Vomiting can damage the esophagus and cause ulcers and increase esophageal cancer risk.
Loss of kidney function from dehydration and low blood pressure, kidney failure, and kidney stones.
Cold extremities, difficulty regulating body temperature due to the heart’s inability to pump blood to extremities. Low temperature is similar to hypothermia.
Pale complexion, patchy complexion, lanugo, weakened skin that is easily damaged, brittle hair and nails, hair loss.
Reduced growth hormones and sex hormones in both males and females, to pre-pubescent levels. Loss of menses and visible changes in reproductive organs. Infertility, decreased interest in sex, inability to maintain erections.
Cell death from starvation or fatty liver
Calcium and mineral deficiencies loosen teeth. A dry mouth from dehydration can increase cavity formation. Damaged enamel from purging.
Diets Are The Gateway Drug To Eating Disorders
Many people begin eating in a disordered way through dieting. Diets market themselves under the guise of “self-improvement” and prey on our insecurities by promising “results.” However, consumers are left misinformed about the potential consequences of following the strict guidelines of diets. The diet industry does not disclose the potential for harmful consequences to your health. Research shows those who engage in moderate dieting are 5x more likely to develop an eating disorder and those who engage in extreme dieting are 18x more likely to develop an eating disorder. Every diet should come with a black box warning of potential harm to your body’s systems. (2)
If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, seek help. The sooner eating disorders are treated the greater likelihood the damage from medical complications can be healed.
Successful treatment of an eating disorder often includes a team of professionals: your physician, a therapist and a dietician. Reach out to Kindful Body today and speak to someone that can help.
Get The Help You Need Today
Eating disorders can lead to severe medical complications. At Kindful Body, we understand how difficult it can be for those suffering with an eating disorder. Many providers can support you in your recovery journey, including our team of registered dietitians and clinicians. Don’t wait to get the help you need.
Various treatment modalities are available to help treat eating disorders, including Intuitive Eating Principles, Meal Support Coaching Subscription, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, and EMDR. Kindful Body therapists specialize in these therapeutic approaches and more. We are here to help you find healing and recovery.
Begin Eating Disorder Treatment in Orange County, CA
Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our therapists here to get the help you need. We offer eating disorder treatment in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Orange County, CA, or anywhere online in California. We look forward to helping you on your recovery journey by following these simple steps:
Schedule a 15-minute Zoom consultation with our client care coordinator or call (415)323- 6755.
Connect with a caring therapist.
Start improving your health and relationship with eating!
Other Services Offered by Kindful Body Counseling
Stay up-to-date with more content information on our YouTube and LinkedIn page! We post regularly to help our community stay informed about eating disorders and mental health. Our team is happy to also offer support with other mental health concerns in addition to eating disorder treatment. This is why we are happy to also offer support for low self-esteem issues, emotional eating recovery, nutrition counseling, anxiety treatment, and body image. We also offer trauma therapy, grief counseling, and therapy for low self-esteem. When you’re ready, we are here to help you with your eating disorder recovery. We offer eating disorder treatment in Sacramento, San Jose, Oakland/Berkeley, Walnut Creek, San Mateo, Orange County, CA, or anywhere online in California. Learn more about us by checking out our blog and FAQs page!